Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Glen Times is Hot off the Press

We have a pretty big update today.
Lots of reading and some new residents at the Glen.

Welcome to Sir Robert, Grace and Jack Corbett , Jessimine and Dom Maloney and last but not least, Tori and Tom "Bomber Young.

Read on folks,
Hate Moves in the Glen
Richie is the victim of a hate crime. He discusses this with the sheriff. Could this put a wet blanket on the wedding plans?

A New Kind of Relief
Jimmy finally talks to Ivy about what he has been keeping from her.

Life out of the Fast Lane
Meet two of the Glens new residents. Tom "Bomber" Young and Tori. Tori runs into an old friend in Coffs. Things are a little different from the last time they saw each other

Change of Venue
Mickela will be going back to the Big Apple. She'll be taking something back with her to help her remember Egan.

Change of Direction and Stirrings
Two chapters puts another one of our new residents into view. Grace and Jack Corbett get a message from the Glen about a theater that's available. Read on to see what its all about.

Turning Point
Abby and Alex are making one of those commitments. It may have a nice front porch and a white picket fence if they're lucky.

Whirlwind Romance
Yet another couple join us with their story. Jessamine and Dom Maloney share a little diary of how quick things can happen when you fall in love.

Sherwood Down Under
Sir Robert has arrived at the Glen too. He steps inside of his new abode and we'll be waiting to see what happens from here.

Well and Firmly Planted
Reverend Harris gives Ahnna something to think about... Literature, blue flowers and an interesting concept to ponder.

Comfort and Joy
Jack and Bridgid return from their ride to their comfortable and joy filled home. Share a lovely moment with the happy couple.

December 23rd 2008

Atonia and Richie with Sheriff Biebe and Siobhan
Hate moves in the Glen

Ivy and Jim Braddock
A new Kind of Relief

Tori and Tom Young with Ceri and Max
Life out of the Fast Lane

Mickela and Egan
Change of Venue

Grace and Jack Corbett
Change of Direction

Abagale and Alex Ross
Turning Point

Jessamine and Dom Maloney
Whirlwind Romance

Sir Robert Tornham
Sherwood Down Under

Reverend Alistair Harris and Ahnna
Well and Firmly Planted

Bridgid and Jack Aubrey
Comfort and Joy

I hear East Driscoll is on his way and should be showing up in time for Christmas dinner. Who will invite him in? We'll have an issue tomorrow and you may just find out.

We'll be here to publish on Christmas eve but if you're not around we would like to take this time to wish you and yours a Blessed Christmas.

Happy Holidays to everyone from us here at The Glen Times, RCFF and ATCF. I think I can safely say that we include LibrisCrowe, our sister site as we extend our best wishes to all.

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